Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Book Candy Tag

Hello everyone! Mira nominated me for the Book Candy Tag. I love candy and books, so onward!


1. Dark Chocolate

Hmmm. This one took thinking. I think that dark chocolate would be "Curiosity House". It's very dark (lol) and mysterious, just like a mystery! By the way you should totally read "Curiosity House". It's really good.

2. Gummy Bears

Uuuuuuh, Berenstein Bears! Technically that's not a book, it's several, but whatever. Theirs always a many gummy bears, right?

3. Mint-Chocolate Candy

Heartless. THE FEELS! *sobs for eternity* Ahem. Heartless. Why? Because the outside of the candy is sweet, but then you reach the sharp center, like a knife stabbing your mouth! WHY, WHY JEST!!!! *sobs some more*

4. Bean boozled challenge

When You reach Me. That book is so good, but really confusing, like the bean boozed challenge. That book is, oh my goodness, so good!!!!! (at this point you should realize I love just about every book I read)

5. Valentines Day surprise chocolates

Haha, yes, very specific. The Ascendance Trilogy. You definitely do not know what you're going to get while reading that book. SO GOOD!!!

I hope y'all enjoyed this short post. Tata my Hoodians!


P.S. Do you like my new sign off?

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