Thursday, February 23, 2017

BIBPC the Fourth #6

Hey y'all! I'm here to post my next entry for BIBPC! This one was especially hard because I had to make something for it. So, without further ado, here it is!

TA DA!!! I feel so proud of it! 
Here's the story for extra points! I wanted do something really unique for my photo, and since I haven't gone on any trips that were exciting (besides shopping😉) recently, I decided to make something for my photo. I made this lovely clay figurine hiking on a rainbow. I know, it's odd, but whatever. I like rainbows. Anyways, I baked it, glued the figurine to the rainbow, set it up on my sister and my clipboards, and took a photo. Each hair was placed on one by one. It took a veeeery long time, but it was worth it! It's probably the best thing I've ever made out of clay!
Hope y'all like it!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

2016/2017 Tag!

Thank you Gracie for nominating me for this Tag!

The Rules:

  1. Mention creator of tag
  2. Use the image in the article
  3. Mention blogger who has chosen you
  4. Answer the questions
  5. Tag 9 other bloggers to do the post
The creator is David.
Let's get  started!

The Questions:

1: Describe your 2016 in 3 words.

Amazing, Inviting, Freshening. I dunno. I would have to write one sentence about it.

2: Write the names of two people who characterized you 2016.
My friend, Jordan, and my sister, Nicole.
3: Write the most beautiful place you visited in 2016 and why you liked it so much:
The Orlando Temple. It helped me feel so pure and happy! And it is so gorgeous.
4: Write the most delicious food you tasted in 2016.
Man, that's a whole lot of food. I ate so much that year, but I'm a growing gal. Anyways, probably the MShack fries. They're officially the best fries I've ever had. (MShack is a restaurant, but their only store is where I live.)
5: Write the event which has marked you more of this in 2016?
Ummm, there are some fairly big ones, but those are kinda private. Probably reading Percy Jackson and Keeper of the Lost Cities have really improved my life😉.
6: Write the finest purchase you’ve made in 2016. 
I really don't buy a whole lot. Probably getting Lodestar and Neverseen from Amazon. Oh, wait. My older brother bought those for me for a birthday present. Ummm, lemme think for moment. *clock ticks slowly* My pink bag (which is the best bag EVER! It's my Library bag, my gym bag, and so much more), though I might have bought that in 2015. OH! I bought Everblaze in the spring!There we go. That's really the biggest thing I got last year.
7: Write three good intentions for 2017.
Finishing my novel (It's currently called The Forgotten, if you're wondering.) finish at least a third of Personal Progress (a program my church has for girls 12 and older), and get 50 followers on this blog! That last one my be a bit hard because I have no control over it.
8: Write 1 place you want to visit in 2017. 
The Redwoods in California, or Europe. Both are highly improbable. My family's not big on traveling, but we might go to Utah this year!
9: Write one food you want to eat in 2017. 
Gelato. Not just ice cream here. True Italian gelato. Preferably cantaloupe gelato. My dad lived in Italy for two years, and he said gelato is amazing. I've always wanted to go to Italy.
I nominate:

and I can't think of anyone else, sorry! 

I hope y'all enjoyed!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

BIBPC the Fourth #5

I'm back with my next photo! Did I use that phrase on my last post? Oh well. The next category was night, so here's my photo!

The lighting is a bit harsh, but I had finished taking all the photos before realizing that.
Story for bonus points! We live in a big city, so the lights drown out all the stars. Therefore, our night sky doesn't show much. I also figured everyone would be taking pictures of the moon and stars on a reality basis, so I painted my hand black with silver stars and a moon! I also drew stars on our chalkboard for a cool background, and this is what I got! Hope you like it, Megan!

Monday, February 13, 2017

BIBPC the Fourth #4

Sup y'all. I'm back with my BIBPC entry! The category is new, and lucky for me, I already had a picture that fits this category. Hope you like it Megan!

I figured since the wall was being freshly painted, it counted as new color, right?

Quick story: I was bored, so I decided to steal my sister's iPad since she wasn't home and she had left it (MWAHAHAHAHA). My mom was painting her room a new color, because it was this bland beige. I set up my sister's iPad on a stool, set the camera on ten second timer, ran to the stool I'm sitting on in the picture, picked up the book on the stool, opened it to a random page, and the iPad took the pic. I didn't realize it would have such good quality.
Thanks for checking it out!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

BIBPC the Fourth #3

Hello once again! I'm back with my next photo for BIBPC. Sorry, it's a bit late, but I needed my sister for it, but she had a whole ton of school. Therefore, I had to wait a while. I also had to pay her to do this, so ya know.

Sorry, the lighting is weird. I took this by my window. It turned out surprisingly bright. It's really cloudy here right now. There isn't much a story behind this except for the fact that I spent all afternoon yesterday making these cupcakes. And we ate two of them. Hope you enjoyed!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

BIBPC the Fourth #2

Supp y'all! I'm back! I am kinda sick right now. There's been a bug going around, and, of course, I caught it. Yesterday was awful. Anyways, onto my next photo. I was super puzzled on what to do on this one 😃. WE CAN DO THIS TEAM OWL!!!! For those who don't know what the category is, it's blue. Oh, and, Megan, I cropped it. It seems I have to crop a lot of my photos.

Quick story on how I got this and what it is exactly. My older brother had some really tiny cups leftover from something, and he gave them to us. I was playing with them a few nights ago because I was bored, and I decided to poke a bunch of little pins in the bottom of it. I had been puzzling about what my photo should be, and I began organizing the pins by color. I realized that most of the pins were blue. I got excited and stuff and took out all of the colorful rainbow pins in the cup, and stuck all the blue ones in in a weird pattern. Then I stuck it into a blue velvet doll pillow and took a picture.

Sorry if that made no sense.

See y'all later!