Saturday, October 21, 2017

A Bit of Randomness

Hello, there! I haven't posted for a while, but that's because I've because I've been having an imagination drought. Because of that, I will just post a few random things today. Enjoy!


Here are some songs I've been listening to a lot lately:

Shots (Broiler Remix)-Imagine Dragons
Runner Runner-The Merrell Twins
First Light-Lindsey Stirling
Drama-Jasmine Thompson 
EVOlution (album)-Sabrina Carpenter 
Inside a Dream (EP)-Echosmith
Sky Full of Stars-Coldplay
Adventure of a Lifetime-Coldplay


NaNoWriMo is approaching, and I am just panicking a little bit. You know, the kind of panicking that includes screaming internally and hyperventilating.

I started reading 'The Maze Runner' last night, and I am at that point where a new fandom is blooming. XD It's super good!

Halloween is getting closer! I am super excited because I'm being Thing 1, my friend is being Thing 2, and my sister is being the Cat in the Hat! Also, I am going to use all my candy as rewards during NaNo. XD

Blog Stuff:

Nicole's new blog, Wild Pennings, launched! You have to go check it out. I watched her spend hours making the header from scratch. 

I also might be moving blogs in November, but we'll see. ;)

I hope y'all enjoyed this little post! Goodbye for now, fellow Hoodians!


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