Hello, there! Mirra nominated me (kind of) to do the Describe the Days of the Week Tag. You won't see my name in her nominates list, but she said I could do it int eh comments :) . Now that that is cleared up, onto the tag!
Monday is a very frazzled young woman. She never has any time to do the things she wants, and she often doesn't get enough of sleep. In the morning she is very slow and sleepy. She loves coffee with heaps of whip cream on top, but she's often so busy trying to organize things, so she can never finish it before it gets cold.
Tuesday is a playful little boy with a wiener dog. He loves to play with Legos and ride his bike. His number one rule is "safety first', so he always wears a helmut. He like to eat popsicles, and his favorite school subject is art. He plays with his dog every day and takes very good care of it.
Wednesday is a girl who loves makeup and reading. She hates math, and she thinks boys are weird. She can't live without her phone or books, and loves mint- chocolate ice cream. She loves high heels and colorful dresses. She can't stand messes, so her room is always clean and organized.
Thursday is a sleepy girl who loves math. She also loves to draw cool patterns and is always ready for the weekend. She is dyslexic, so her least favorite subject is language arts. She loves music, but mainly listening to it and much less making it. She is very sensitive, and has a hard time explaining her feelings.
Friday is a party animal. He loves skateboarding, video games, and DJ'ing. He Dj's for every part ever, and knows all the newest hits. He wears ripped jeans and neon shirts. He has an iPhone 7 and hates school. He secretly enjoys opera and jazz.
Saturday is a young man who loves three things in the world: Himself, Netflix, and Free Time. He lounges around a lot watching Netflix all day and eating pizza. The only reason he isn't fat yet is because he goes on jogs and to the gym every morning. That way he doesn't have to worry about it for the rest off the day. He hates bugs, and the only vegetable he doesn't like is a onions.
Sunday is a peaceful girl who loves long flow dresses, oversized sweaters, hot-chocolate, fuzzy blankets, and books. She loves listening to classical music and talking. She is very calm and almost never argues. She loves nature, so she goes on hikes a lot. She likes swimming, reading, and sleeping in her free time.
I hope y'all enjoyed reading my silly descriptions! I've had a lot of tags the past few posts, but don't worry. I have something else planned for the next few posts. Have a fantabulous day my Hoodians!
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