Wednesday, March 8, 2017


AHHHHH! I'm so happy right now I could seriously cry!😂 Ahem, I'm calm now. But GUESS WHAT GUYS!!! The Nightfall cover came out today!!! *starts going crazy again*

The Cover:


The Rant:

Like, I can't even, I mean like seriously, it's so GORGEOUS!!! My sister and my predictions have been correct so far. The title is Nightfall, and we were right about who was going to be on the cover.
Look at Keefe! Looks at Linh! Look at Sophie! Just, oh my goodness, why is it so beautiful!!!

Ok, now that I'm done ranting about how awesome the cover is, onto my next prediction.

The Prediction:

My bet is that Linh is flooding Eternalia, or she's flooding Atlantis again. Cause c'mon, look at that fancy castle thing in the background. And we can't forget all those waves and the amazing ball of water!
*The following is updated information*
Hey! I'm here to add somethings to my prediction because yesterday I hadn't studied it very well because I was so blind by excitement. So onward!
If you look closer at the castle/mansion/building in the background, water is flowing off of it and towards Sophie, Linh and Keefe. It then flows into that big ball which I'm not sure what that does. Probably to defy the Neverseen or something. I'm pretty sure they're in Atlantis because no other big cities in the books have that much water besides Ravagog, and they already flooded Ravagog. Anyways, my guess is that the Neverseen found a way to release the force fields in Atlantis, and so they're trying to do something with all that water. Or they release the force fields to make the big ball of water, because that ball of water has to have some purpose, right? My sister thinks its for another portal, but I don't think Shannon would use the portal thing again.
Now let's move to Sophie's outfit. I don't think Sophie would wear that very ruffly dress voluntarily. Either Biana or Adeline made her wear it, or she was at a party of sorts. Then she got stuck in another crunch or something.
Please take note that that was all just theory, I was not given any information and it is mostly likely will not happen in the actual book.

And now I have to wait until November 7 for the actual book. *starts crying because KOTLC is just so dang amazing and I can't wait, I'M GONNA DIE!*

Have you read KOTLC? If you haven't, you should. It is my favorite book series ever, and I've read a lot of book series.

Wow, that post was longer than expected. Tata fellow elves!

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