I have a hard life. My dad was killed in a car wreck, I was practically failing middle school, and my mom hates me.
Ding ding dong!!!! "I'll get it!" I yelled. I stomped down the stairs to our front hall and opened the door. No one. I steeped out of the house and looked around outside for a sign of laughing and running kids. Nothing. I trudged back to the door grumpily. People were constantly ding dong ditching us, and it was starting to get annoying. Apparently it was the thing. I didn't even know why I kept answering the door now days!
When I got to the door frame I tripped over something that was definitely not there 5 minutes ago. After I scrambled to my feet I looked at the foreign object that just so happened to be there. It was a box. Big surprise! I studied it closer. In dry eraser marker it said BAD MEMORIES! DO NOT OPEN!
"Whatever," I muttered, "This is probably another one of their pranks." But my curiosity got the best of me. I lugged the surprisingly heavy box to my bedroom. I started to pull at the tape with my fingernails, but whoever packaged the box put way to many layers of tape.
I sauntered back down to the kitchen and got a very sharp knife from a drawer. "Knife time," I murmured. I walked back up the stairs.
When I got back to my room, I started to have second doubts. "Stop being silly!" I scowled at myself. "It's just a prank."
I stabbed right in the center of the tape and sliced off all the layers. A sharp wind made me fly back against the wall. I groaned as I sat up. "What in the wor-" I started to say, but something made me stop.
From the now open box came a rush of stars and little planets. They circled around me, making feel like I was in my own little universe. "Woah," I whispered.
But then the planets and stars began to change. They formed little pictures and words. The biggest sentence among them was SHE NEEDED A HERO, SO SHE BECAME HER OWN. The words swirled around me, and everything went dark.
I dreamt of a girl sitting in a classroom. It was filled with kids, but she looked like the oldest. Suddenly they all turned to mist and were rushed away. Then the girl stood up so abruptly it startled me. Don't run! She said, but the words sounded like was trying to speak underwater. Don't run! She repeated, Fight.
What?! I asked. The image faded, and I appeared on a tall rocky cliff. I stood on the very edge and nearly lost my balance and fell, but before I could, a strong arm pulled me up. It was the girl. Our eyes met. Her eyes were like none others. They were like all the constellations combined. Miniature moons shone, and the background was the darkest shade of blue you could ever imagine.
I needed a hero, but I couldn't find one. So I became my own. I saved myself. Everything around me melted into oblivion and my eyes shot open. The box was still there, and the stars remained. I then realized the purpose of everything. I had to become my own hero. And so I did.
This is a bit shorter than the last one. I hope you enjoyed!
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