Some girls lack self confidence. At least every teenager or tween thinks Am I not skinny? or Am I not pretty enough? The truth is, you are beautiful inside and out. Even if people tell you you're not pretty or you're not skinny, that's not true. Even if you don't think it, you are loved and thought beautiful by our Heavenly Father. He loves you no matter what. So if you're lacking the self-cofindence to know this, just remember you ARE beautiful. Don't let other people get to you.
Thursday, December 8, 2016
7 Things I love About Christmas
Hey y'all! Merry Christmas to all (Throws out candy canes and peppermints)! I hope you are having a wonderful December. I decided to list some of the things I love about Christmas. This is only a small percentage of everything I love about the season. So let's get on with it, shall we?
6. Candycanes
PEPPERMINT!!!!!!!!!!! SO GOOD! That refreshing, spicy, sweet, umami taste in your mouth is always the best. ALWAYS. Candycanes are a must eat during the holidays, most appropriately in hot chocolate (your stomach works too, though ;})
I don't know why I like nutcrackers so much. Some people say they're creepy, but I think they,re enchanting. Maybe it's the fact that they come in so many colors, or maybe it's because the ballet made me like them more. Whatever the reason, I think they make wonderful decor and buddies.
1. Gingerbread houses
I just realized I missed the A in Gingerbread, but I'm to lazy to go back and fix it #hermitslife. I love decorating and eating gingerbread houses! I also like to go see gingerbread house displays. We went last year and there were so many amazing ones. I think I posted a picture a few posts back.
2. The lights
I love going through neighborhoods and looking at the gorgeous light setups. Though some people get a little out of hand. I don't like those inflatable reighndeer, Santas, and Olafs, however. Those things are creepy and don,t look that great on lawns.
3. The presents
Duh. Who deosn't like getting new and awesome stuff? Maybe someone crazy, like Scrooge, but he deosn't count. I asked for so much stuff this year, I had to cut off, like, five things. I also like making and giving gifts. I've made almost all of my family gifts. I still have to figure out what to make for my dad. One of my brothers saw his gift, so I just went ahead and gave it to him. Now I have to think about something new.
4. The music
Christmas music is probably just about my all time favorite thing about Christmas. I'm not talking about songs like Jingle Bells and Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree.I'm talking about music like Silent Night and Hallelujah. Now that's some beautiful music.
5. Christmas breakfast
Aaaaaaaah, breakfast. My favorite meal of the day. Christmas breakfast is especially delicious. Bacon, eggs, donuts, sausage, cinnamon rolls, berry syrup, pancakes, a variety of fruit, ect. It's always awesome to eat something like that after the exausting and exhilarating experience of opening presents.
6. Candycanes
PEPPERMINT!!!!!!!!!!! SO GOOD! That refreshing, spicy, sweet, umami taste in your mouth is always the best. ALWAYS. Candycanes are a must eat during the holidays, most appropriately in hot chocolate (your stomach works too, though ;})
7. Nutcrackers
I hope you guys enjoyed that post! And remember, the Christmas season isn't all about decorations and presents. It is about worshipping our Saviour, Jesus Christ. We should not let all the new toys and books get in the way of that.
Happy Christmas ;)
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
NaNoWriMo Day #2
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Hey guys! I am sooooo sorry I haven't posted in, like, three months. I know right! Such a short vacation! Anyways, this year I'm participating in NaNoWriMo. I am going to do the young writers program. I'm so excited, and nervous,, and pepped up, and completely unprepared! I have so much to do this month to prep for it this month! I haven't even done my characters profiles! I'll try to post more often this month with updates on NaNo. I probably won't post for a few days because of a hurricane. The power be out, most likely. It's a category 4! Luckily, we are in a safe zone. So we probably won't have to evacuate.
Friday, June 24, 2016
Parakeets and Randomness
Hey y'all! Ya know how I told you we got parakeets in February? No? I'm pretty sure I did. Anyways, I have some pictures to show you! Plus some randomness afterwards.
They were in the cage at the time, so sorry if the bars are obscuring your vision. Their names are Lemon (the one in the front) and Avis (the one in the back).
Now for Randomness! We went to the zoo some time ago, and if you want to see the animals click this link- Onto the photography. (My mom took, like, all here pics.)
In the Asian section has this really cool bridge in the gardens.
Isn't pretty? Now here is me and my siblings standing single file in the middle of a river.
Nicole is the one in the green shirt, and I'm the one in the pink (and yes, I know, I'm very short for my age). Now here is a picture of a pineapple I took in the golden hour!
I might have edited this, but I'm not sure, it was very sunny. I hope y'all enjoyed!
They were in the cage at the time, so sorry if the bars are obscuring your vision. Their names are Lemon (the one in the front) and Avis (the one in the back).
Now for Randomness! We went to the zoo some time ago, and if you want to see the animals click this link- Onto the photography. (My mom took, like, all here pics.)
In the Asian section has this really cool bridge in the gardens.
Isn't pretty? Now here is me and my siblings standing single file in the middle of a river.
Nicole is the one in the green shirt, and I'm the one in the pink (and yes, I know, I'm very short for my age). Now here is a picture of a pineapple I took in the golden hour!
I might have edited this, but I'm not sure, it was very sunny. I hope y'all enjoyed!
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
The Leibster Award
I have another nomination from Loren, but I have so many answers to her questions, so I'll just do Lily's ( open nomination. Here are her questions!
Do you like swimming?
Yes! In fact, I might join swim team next year.
What's your favorite sport?
I really like ice skating, and I wanted to do it, except the rink is to far away and the lesson are to expensive.
How long have you been blogging?
Since last December, I believe.
Do you like ponytails?
Yes, but I like buns better, or braids.
Do you live on a farm?
No, in fact, I live in the middle of a very large city.
What is your favorite shade of blue?
I love all shades of blue except for baby blue, and I have no idea why.
Do you wear braces?
No. I don't have to get them until my sister gets hers off. More candy for me!
Would you cut your hair if someone made you?
Uhhh, maybe. Depends on the style. If they told me I have to get a bob or some 80's style, then...., NO.
What color are your eyes?
They're brown, but in the light they turn this really really bright gold, and in the shadows they turn really dark chocalate.
Do you have any siblings?
Yes. One sister and two brothers.
Do you own any nightgowns?
I gave those up when I was 8, I believe.
Random Facts
I love stars
I sleep in until 8:30 every morning
I am addicted to the songs Lips Are Movin' by Meghan Trainor and Geranimo by Sheppard
I ate a popsicle while writing this post
I'm writing a novel (and no, I will not tell you about it.)
I never know what we're having for dinner until my mom has to tell me
The popsicle I ate was red
I looooooooooove ice cream
If I could, I would eat chocolate for every meal
Books are my many homes
My Questions
Do you own a teddy bear?
What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?
Do you have any pets?
Who is your favorite character from Heroes of Olympus and/or Percy Jackson?
Who is your all time favorite book character?
How many dresses do you have?
Do you own an iPhone? (I don't own one so don't feel ashamed if you don't either)
What is your favorite book series?
On a scale of one to ten, how much do you like books?
What is your favorite song?
Have you read Keeper of the Lost Cities? (if not, you totally should. It's a really good series)
I nominate anyone who has read Heroes of Olympus or Percy Jackson!
I am going to start doing secret messages! Btw, I hope you have a good week!
Monday, June 20, 2016
C'mon Fangirls! You Can Do Better!
You may be questioning my… Different title, but seriously Fangirls, you can do better! Can no one appreciate Reyna's awesomeness? Btw if you don't know who that is, she is from Heroes of Olympus and she is AWESOME!!!! She is absolutely my favorite character EVER! There is not nearly enough fanart of her out there. Seriously, people. YOU CAN DO BETTER! Sorry, I need to calm myself down. If you read my post Word Randomness, did you see the caption I put beneath the picture of her? Well, if you did, I do actually cry and wither beneath her awesomnes. SHE IS THAT AWESOME. If you are still reading the series and haven't gotten to her full capacity of her awesomness (in the Blood of Olympus), hurry up and finish the series!
Also, I'm addicted to Pinterest, reading, and the song Geranimo.
I hope y'all enjoyed my little rant!
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Let's Honor Our Dads!
Alright., you may be thinking, why didn't you do this for Mother's Day?, or, it isn't even Father's Day! Well, for that, I'm really sorry Mom. But I did give her a present! (I think). Don't worry, I'll do this for the moms out there next year.
First, an amazing quote!
Alrighty, and now I am going to honor my Amazing dad.
My dad is great. He supports me in everything I do, and if I don't know how to do something, he will help me learn it. I love my dad a lot and he's the best dad anyone could ever have. I hope he has a great Fathers Day.
Share your love with your Dad!
First, an amazing quote!
Alrighty, and now I am going to honor my Amazing dad.
My dad is great. He supports me in everything I do, and if I don't know how to do something, he will help me learn it. I love my dad a lot and he's the best dad anyone could ever have. I hope he has a great Fathers Day.
Share your love with your Dad!
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Word Randomness
Such an … interesting title! Anyways, since summer break started and I am bored, I decide to post som entertainment for you along with a lot of fan art. Did you know that the word ALOT is actually not correct? It is A LOT. Going off topic there, first, the word entertainment! Enjoy!
My sister and her friend text the most interesting stuff (don't worry, I have been given permission by my sister to read her texts. Also, my sister's blog is So here is a sample of some of her texts. I think she would be mad if I wrote the original so I'm going to write it as best as I can remember.
Ya know what? I think my sister will be mad at me for just making this post! So here's just one thing. My sister told her friend that eating gingerbread men practically promotes canabalism.
All right! I probably spelled cannabalism wrong, but who cares? (Actually, a lot of people probably do care about how I write, but at the moment, I don't care, so it deosn't matter. Was that a run-on sentence?) Onto the fan-art, fanart, fan art? I think it's fan art. Say that several times and it sounds weird. Oh, just so you know, I have no idea whatsoever where this stuff came from so I don't know the link to it.
This is so cool! I give a lot of credit to whoever made this!
This is so good! Whoever made this is super talented!
IT'S SADIE KANE!!! I AM LITERALLY FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!! Man the person who did this does a great job at depicting her. For some reason I imagine her with brown hair, and I have no idea why.
Guys, I think I'm going to die. Because every time I read abou this book character, her awesomess just makes me cry#reynabe2fab4you#teampraetor#REYNAISSOAWESOME#heroesofolympus. Man, this is probably one of the best drawings I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot of drawings.
Now some of my own creations.
I'm so proud of it! If you are a fan of Keeper of the Lost Cities, see if you can find something related to that series in this drawing.
I hope y'all enjoyed!
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
CWWC Last challenge😟
Here is my last entry, Loren. I used all twenty-seven prompts.
I stared at the blank chalkboard. I was alone in a classroom. I didn't care about that, though. I cared about that blank chalkboard. It was so bland and sad. It was full of this loneliness. I had never felt this much loneliness coming from something before.
I got out of my seat and walked towards it. I took a deep breath in and picked up the piece of chalk sitting by it. I stared at that piece of chalk for a count of ten, fingering it slowly. I took another deep breath and lifted my hand towards the chalkboard and began to write and draw.
Mirrors, chalk, portals, and haunted places. Those words ran through my head. I just ran over the chalkboard freely, creating the things no one could ever imagine. I needed to perfect it. I redid and redid. I stood there drawing for hours.
Tears ran down my cheeks. I had read so much I could not bear it. I could not bear the fact I could never go to those places. I could never be the people I read about. I wiped my tears away, smudging chalk all over my face. No! I thought, This is my only chance. They gave me this day to prove myself. Because I will go to those places. I will be those people. I just have to try harder then I have ever before.
So I drew stars. Millions of them. All over that chalkboard. I then drew jars. I drew maps with lands no one had ever heard about. I drew borders that were so dangerous, if someone went past them, they would face a brutal, ruthless, cunning, brave beast. I drew water filled with night sky constellations I had made up on the spot. I drew boxes full of bad memories that would leave you scarred. I drew fairies and butterflies. I drew archers that were so stealthy and brave that no one would dare challenge them. I drew mirrors that would lead to fantastic worlds. But most of all, I drew stars.
I stepped back and admired it all. I then closed my eyes and wished harder than I had ever wished before. When I opened them, I gasped. Pain rocked my body. It felt like I was being crushed by hundreds of stones, but then it became light.
Sun blinded me, but I soon adjusted. And when I did, I screamed in terror. I was in a graveyard bordering a forest with mountain high trees. Huge ghosts slowly lumbered towards me. I took off running down the gravel path I was on.
I needed to find the jar. I looked around me. Those ghosts were coming towards me incredibly fast. I saw something glimmer in the sun and grinned for just a moment. I grabbed the jar and immediately light surrounded me.
I appeared in another cemetery, but this time, with mourners. The grave they stood at a grave that read HERE LIES A MAN WHO WAS NOT OF THIS EARTH. I had created this scene in my notebook one day. I gasped and stepped back. No, no, no. I hated this story. I had created it to scare its readers. I never wanted to be in it though. I had to leave, but the jar could be in only one place. I ran towards the house. It was a very large dreary house. It looked like it could be haunted, but that was because i stopped at the door. The words THE WORLD ISN'T SAFE ANYMORE. I quickly unlocked all the padlocks, as I was the only one who knew how. When I swung open the door, three little girls stared at me from their seats on the staircase. They gazed at me, their eyes wide.
"You can't go through the door," one of them said, "It is the border. You are stuck here."
"Only I can enter and leave." I replied hurriedly. "Move, I need to get up."
The girls scoot over. I surprised up the stairs and entered the first door. In the room I saw a girl picking up the newspaper.
"No!" I screamed. I snatched up the paper in her hands and tore it to pieces.
The girl exclaimed, "What did you do! I needed to know who is-"
"Missing?" I retorted. "I just changed your fate. The border is open. Leave while you can.
I scuttled to the far corner and picked up the glimmering jar. As soon as I touched I knew which story I would travel to next.
I appeared in a lake filled with stars. I was knee deep in constellations. The moons were bright, as well as the stars. I breathed in the fresh air. Comfort and freedom at last. I quickly shook off that feelings. It was fake. This place was supposed to make you feel that way. To confuse your thoughts and make you stay here forever. Just standing in the water and playing with constellations. I looked over my shoulder to see those two girls playing in the water. Their fairy wings glowed against the stars. Leave, you want to leave! I thought. This was my story, and I controlled it. I heard one them telling the other to leave tonight. After that I reached my hand and touched the next jar.
I appeared on the ground. It was raining, and I was supporting myself on a log above a creek. I looked up and saw the dragon, the girl, the sign, and the butterflies. All there. I grinned and jumped up. I ran towards everything and touched it. I'd always wanted to visit this story. But I had to leave, so I took a quick look of my surroundings. The butterflies fluttered around my face as I walked towards the dragon and the girl. The dragons silver scales shimmered wet in the rain. The next jar was on its back. I ran towards the dragon before it could react. I stretched out my arm and barely skimmed the surface of the last jar.
I landed on the ground with ice and glass surrounding me. I looked up and spit out an ice shard.
"Lemme guess, you can't help me," a choked up voice said.
I stared at the girl that Marshall, no me, tied up. "I'm sorry this happened, but I have to go. I'm sorry this is my fault. I'm sorry I can't help you," I said. I stood up briskly and ran down the dark alley as she called out my name. Hoping I would hear. Hoping I could care. All of a sudden I stopped and yelled at her, "You know who I am. Use your fire! Think of fire! Then you'll be your own hero!" I then bumped into someone.
"Eric!" And I hugged him under the stars.
I gotta go! Thanks for reading!
Saturday, May 28, 2016
I'm so sorry I didn't get this up yesterday ! I completely forgot! I hope you enjoy.
Don't blame me! It was Cara's idea! And it's not our fault we were bored. Blame life!
Cara and I sat in our Grandmother's huge living room. It was rather plush and comfortable, with its scented candles and such fluffy couches that you sank 6 inches before you could sit properly.
"Soooo . . ." I said with a yawn, "What do you wanna do?"
Cara shrugged, "Don't ask me! Your the one who has ideas."
"Nah, we already did that." She gestured with her hand to the slowly drying paintings sitting on a nearby table.
"Isn't that practically the same thing?"
"Yeah. How 'bout tag?"
"We literally spent the half the morning riding bikes as fast as we could. My legs feel like noodles now! Do you think I could run?" She retorted.
"You have a point." I reclined on the couch I was sitting on and moaned, "I'm so board."
Cara lay face down on her couch. "Mftf," she said in a muffled voice.
I sat up. "What?" I asked. "I couldn't understand a word you just said."
She turned her head and pronounced each syllable, "Me-too."
"Oh," I said and flopped back down. "You got any ideas yet?"
"No, "came the muffled reply. All of a sudden Cara sat up and exclaimed, "Wait! I do!"
I sat up too. "What! I would do anything to get out of this boring mood!"
"What if," she paused to add affect, "We went into the basement."
I sat and stared at Cara. "Ok." We were told to not to go there, but c'mon! I was bored.
We tiptoed to the dusty door. I was pretty sure it would lead to dusty stairs, which would lead to a dusty room, which would lead us to the dust monster! Just kidding, though most of that was probably be true.
"You open it," I said.
Cara raised an eyebrow and replied, "I think you should."
"Nah, I'm good."
Cara rolled her eyes and placed her hand on the doorknob. She turned it very slowly, most likely to add affect. The door creaked open laggardly. Cara grinned, "I think you should go in first since I opened the door."
I sighed. "Fine." I pushed past her and placidly walked in, careful not to creak any floorboards. The basement was nowhere near my predictions. "Wow," I murmured.
"What?" Cara's voice said behind me.
"Come here!" I said excitedly, "This place is so cool."
Cara pushed her way past the door and repeated, "What?" And then a, "Oh. Woah. I did not expect this."
All I could manage is, "Mhm."
The basement was not anywhere near dusty and old. It had white walls that looked freshly painted. One wall was inhabited with a hundred books. And those weren't dusty and senescent either. Another wall was dwelled in by a turquoise desk with little things that looked like writing tools. There were pencils, pens, stacks of paper, a laptop, a bulletin board with what looked like story plots on it, and a lamp. The third wall was had an easel with paintbrushes sitting against it, empty canvases stacked in the corner, and paintings hanging on the wall. My favorite was the wall with a really tall white shelf filled with jars. They weren't empty though. They had what looked like constellations filling them. In the middle of it all was a huge, fluffy, green carpet.
"Look, the bottles have something written on them," Cara said, pulling me out of my wonder.
I asked, "What do you mean?" I walked up to the bottles. After I focused, I did indeed see little writing on it. I'll take you to places you've never seen. All you have to do is drink me. But beware, you'll only be there, for sixty seconds time. I hope you understand this rhyme.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I thought aloud.
Cara shrugged. "It's kinda like Alice in Wonderland, you know. Like, when that bottle said, drink me. And when she did she shrank." Cara's expression brightened. "What if we shrink when we drink it?" She asked.
"That would be cool, but what if it's poison?" I said.
"Who would make a colorful poison?"
"I dunno. Snape from Harry Potter? Looks can be deceiving."
Cara sighed and put her hands on my shoulders. "Look, Paige. Look me in the eye." She said with fake seriousness. Narrowing her eyes she continued, "I'll go get the Barbie clothes." She ran upstairs giggling.
Yup, my grandma has Barbies. A lot. And a lot of clothes to go with them. It's for the grandkids to play with, since she has mostly girl grandkids.
Cara returned. "I got several pairs." She laid them out on the carpet. I chose out the clothes I always wanted for myself. A mint green tank top, a leather jacket, and white capris.
Cara chose an olive green crop top,(She said that there was only one tank top, and there were no short sleeve tops or t-shirts) denim shorts, and a denim jacket. "We can go without shoes," she said. She decided to go see one more time if there was a tank top, and luckily, she found one. We aren't allowed to wear crop tops or mini shorts. It was fine with us. I've tried them on, they were really uncomfortable.
"Alright," I said. We decided to hold the clothes, so we wouldn't have to crawl around. "Do we drink a sip or what? And which do we drink? They all say the same thing."
"If they all say the same thing, we just drink whichever, but let's drink from the same one just in case." Cara replied.
"Ok, let's do the dark blue one that looks like the actual night sky."
"Fine by me."
I grabbed the one we chose and uncapped it. I poured a little bit in my hand, and then some in Cara's.
"It's kinda like hand sanitizer." Cara stated.
I agreed, "Yeah, on three. One, two, three."
As soon as we drank it the world started to spin. I couldn't say anything though. I felt like I was being stretched into a billion pieces. When the spinning subsided, we had indeed shrunk (instead of the Barbie clothes, we wore white dresses that billowed around our knees). But we weren't in the basement anymore.
We were on some sort of building. It was tall, and it seemed to tower above everything. It had billions of stars circling it, and it was placed on a beach. When I looked closer, I realized some of the stars were butterflies.
Cara gasped, "Paige, look! You have fairy wings!"
I looked behind me, and sure enough, large, night sky blue, silvery, sparkly butterfly wings protruded from my back. When I looked at Cara I grinned. "You do too!" Hers were a transparent rainbow pattern.
Cara looked behind her and pouted. "I like yours better. They remind me of the night sky. I wonder if we can fly with them."
I took a deep breath of night air. It was so fresh, and it smelled so nice. Up here I felt like I could do anything. Up her I felt like I was free.
I took a running start and jumped off the building with Cara calling after me. I spread my arms and willed my wings to flap. It worked. "I'm flying!" I yelled excitedly. I carefully landed by the water and yelled at Cara to follow. She tried and successfully landed next to me.
"That's not as hard as I though it would be, but I think you did better."
I rolled my eyes, "You did fine. Let's go play in the waves."
We jumped around, splashing each other and screaming delightfully. The stars and cool breeze circled us. All to soon, though, the world began to spin and I found me and Cara once again in the basement.
I giggled and commented, "That was fun, but this time, let's do a different bottle, for we shall never be bored again."
I used 5 prompts, Loren.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
CWWC challenge #5
Here's mine for category 5. I used four prompts. Sorry it's late Loren!
Hi. I'm Devin. I just turned eight. I like whittling, reading, and writing. I live in an orphanage, and this is my journal. I don't call it a diary. That's a girly thing.
Today, the weirdest thing happened. Our orphanage is old and dilapidated, but the orphanage ladies are really nice. Before my parents died, I would read big, fat books about children who lived in big drab orphanages. I thought all orphanages were like that, until I moved to this one. The ladies who run this place try to make it as nice as possible, but that's kinda hard since we don't get a lot of funding.
I'm straying from the point. Today I was going to the staircase, but the Wilbur sisters were blocking me. "Can you move?" I asked.
Emily, the one in the middle looked at me. I think she's pretty. She's ten, two years older then me. I like how that little curly brown strand of hair is always covering a bit of her face. Her eyes are this really pretty luminous green. They remind me of a lush grassy meadow. She's really nice to me.
She smiled, making me blush, and said, "Sure." She scooted over, squishing her little sister, Lauren.
"Ow!" Lauren said.
I quickly rushed past so that Emily wouldn't have to sit in discomfort for too long. When I got to my dorm room I gasped. Someone had put a billion padlocks on it. Along with it, they carved the words "THE WORLDS NOT SAFE ANYMORE." I stared at it for a long time, and then I tried my doorknob. Locked. I tried my best tinkering with the padlocks. I had no luck. In fact, that was probably the most wasted ten minutes of my eight years. That's when I saw the note. I grabbed it, hoping it would have some sort of instructions on how to open the door. It read, "It is cunning, it is brave, it is brutal, it is relentless. And it is hunting you. Stray past the border if you value your life. You will be safe there. Once again, the world isn't safe anymore."
I gazed at the note, rereading it over and over again. They couldn't mean the border. No one ever comes back if they stray past the border; what lies beyond is unknown. This had to be some sick joke. I mean, like, seriously? Did they really expect me to believe this? But some part of my mind told me this wasn't a joke. I decided it was better to be safe than sorry. I rushed back down the stairs.
"Woah!" Someone said, grabbing my arm. I spun around. Oh man, I thought, I'm never washing this shirt again. Emily had grabbed my arm. She looked really pretty at the moment, even if she had dirt smudged all over her face. "Where are you going?" She asked.
"Uhh," I paused, afraid she would make fun, "Past the border."
Her eyes widened as she let go of my arm. "They know," She whispered. "Come on." She grabbed my arm again and ran down the stairs. We burst out the front door, and some big sparkly wings just popped out of her back.
"I'll explain later!" And we set flight.
I'm eight. This was the biggest, most awesomest, amazing moment in my entire life! I mean, like, seriously! We were FLYING! "Woo Hoo!" I yelled.
"I wouldn't get excited if I were you. We're still in danger." Emily yelled over the wind.
Then we crossed the border and I realized why no one had ever come back. It was paradise.
Hope you enjoyed!
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
CWWC challenge #3
This has to be really quick. I used all nine prompts. GO TEAM HALF-BLOOD!
Alexis had been hiking with her friend Marshall when they came to a fork in the path.
On a tree was a sign that said 'Here be Ferries.' Alexis laughed out loud, "Look at that sign, Marshall! Isn't it hilarious?"
Marshall grinned. "Yeah," he said, "Whoever made it clearly doesn't know how to spell fairies. F-A-I-R-I-E-S."
They both burst out laughing. "How about we go and see the 'ferries'!" Alexis said.
She started walking down the path and Marshall followed.
"Woah! What's that!?" Marshall exclaimed.
Alexis looked in the direction he was pointing. "What's what?" She asked.
Alexis squinted. "I don't see anything. Are you trying to trick me?"
"No! Why would I do that? Agh, come on. I'll show you what I mean." He grabbed her hand and started to pull her off the path.
Alexis started to protest, "I don't think we should go- Wow!" Her words were stopped by an enormous cavern on the side of a small cliff. It little sparkly stones made it glitter. "Are those-"
"Diamonds? I think so! They don't look like that fools gold stuff."
"How did I not see this?" Alexis whispered. Then something caught her eye. "Is it glowing down there?" She asked Marshall. She turned around. "Marshall?! Where are you? This isn't funny!" She started to bite her nails. "Marshall! Stop playing pranks please!" She started to panic. Where could he be!? She thought. Oh, what am I going to do? "Marshall Alexander Gretchen! You come out here right now!" She yelled.
Did he go farther into the cave without me? She wondered. "I'm coming down there, Marshall!" Her voice echoed off the shiny walls. As she trudged the wall's crystals disappeared, and soon it was pitch black. She walked towards the odd glow, and in no time at all new why it was glowing. Her breath caught in her throat. Little blue butterflies were flying everywhere. They seemed to be stars against the now black cave. Several started to flutter around her head, but the closer she looked, the lesser they looked like butterflies. "Are you . . . , fairies?" She asked one of them. It flew up to her cheek and kissed her, and then it nodded. Several of the fairies chirping at her and flying behind her. "Go further?" Alexis asked. They all nodded. "O-Okay," she stammered and continued walking.
Suddenly, a fairy squealed as loud and clear as day. Alexis covered her ears to block the shrill sound. "What is it?" She said over the loudness. The fairy stopped its ruckus and flew over to Alexis's ear. "Imagine there are magical worlds through mirrors guarded by ferrymen. Beware of your friend. He holds danger. And watch out for the stairs."
"Wait, what stairs? What's going on? What do you mean Marshall holds danger? Do you know where he is?" But the fairy had already flown away. "Ugh, thanks a lot." Alexis mumbled. She continued walking. She walked. And walked. And walked. "Will this ever end!?" Alexis said to no one in particular. Her voice echoed through the cavern. "I can't even see!" Well, her walking ended, but then she wished it hadn't. A faint light from somewhere above lit up a never ending staircase. Alexis went wide-eyed and muttered to herself, "I wish I had never wished for walking to end, because now I get climbing." She sighed, "I better start."
While she climbed she tried to count the stairs, but she gave up at step 1041. Her leg muscles burned, and her breathing became labored. She looked at the passing stairs as she moved along. All of a sudden, the stairs stopped. For some reason her feet expected to find more stairs, making her move forward. Alexis looked up just in time to bump into something. "Ow," she rubbed her nose softly and her eyes focused on a very intricately designed mirror. Its glass looked more like ice than glass. In fact, when she reached out to touch it, she found that it was indeed glass. When she ran her finger over it she found that her fingertips sank into it. "Huh, " she muttered. She put a bit more pressure on her hands and they completely sank in. She gasped. She walked forward a bit and was sucked into the vortex.
She tried to scream, but no sound came out. She couldn't breathe, and she felt like thousands of pounds of ice had fallen onto her. She squeezed her eyes shut hoping that when she opened them the nightmare would be over. Abruptly, the air rushed into her lungs, making her gasp. Her eyes shot open, and the scream her vocal chords had been looking for came out. She was free falling straight from the sky, and the ground was hundreds of feet below her. As it grew nearer she shut her eyes closed again and couldn't help imagining her lifeless body surrounded slowly melting ice. No, don't think like that! Her head screamed, which was kind of hard since that was about to happen. No Alexis! Die bravely! So much for self advice.
When she was 10 feet above the very hard ground, something took hold of her shirt and propelled her back into the sky. Alexis opened one eye, surprised to see the ground becoming farther away rather than closer. Am I flying? No. I must be dead already. My spirit must be floating up. But how come I don't see my body on the ground? She squirmed in the air and was finally able to see what was lifting her. A short squeal left her mouth, "Dragon!" It's enormous silver wings push air down, making her hair flutter everywhere. Very sharp talons gripped around her body. She felt like the fish prey of a hungry eagle. She took deep breaths and tried to steady her breathing.
The dragon in all its silver glory flew to an old wooden bridge and sent Alexis sprawling on it. She sat up and spit wood splinters out of her mouth. "Thanks a lot!" She said angrily to the big beast sitting in front of her. It's enormous, cartoon-like, brown eyes seemed to bore into her very soul. It's scales shimmered, making it look like it was swimming in rainbows. It sat there for a little while longer, and then it flew off.
Alexis stared at the slowly disappearing speck in awe and surprise. "Uh, ok. What just happened? I have to be dreaming." She pinched her arm. "Ow!" She yelped. "Ok, so I'm not dreaming. What do I do now?" She new she was supposed to be looking for someone or something, but she couldn't quite grasp it. "Marshall!" She said, surprising herself after several minutes of severe thinking. She rubbed her forehead where a headache was starting to form. "Where could Marshall be?"
"You found it!" Someone said behind her.
Alexis screamed and clutched her chest to face Marshall's grinning face. "Marshall!" She scolded, "Don't just sneak up on me like that!"
He just grinned wider, "Sorry." He sure didn't sound like it though. "Come on! I found something!"
"What more is there to see?" Alexis grumbled, "I saw everything from a very scary birds eye view."
Marshall laughed. "I saw. That's why that dragon went to get you. I sent it."
"So . . . You knew this place was here?" Alexis asked, confused.
"Hard climb wasn't it, huh?"
Alexis scowled. "You could've just come with me, and maybe I wouldn't have nearly died several times."
Marshall just shrugged and repeated, "I want to show you something."
"Fine!" Alexis threw up her hands, as if surrendering. Marshall smiled and grabbed her hand, tugging her off the bridge. "Where are we going?" Alexis asked after a few minutes of walking.
"It's a surprise." He wiggled his eyebrows.
"Please don't do that! It's creepy!" The motion reminded her of what the fairy had told her. She shook off that feeling of dread trickling down her spine. He would never betray her, let alone, hurt her!
He led her to a blue bush and pulled out a small brown box. "Open it, " he said.
"Um, OK," she took the box and pried it open with her fingernails. She gasped as dark mist floated up. She accidentally inhaled some and coughed. It tasted like smoke. She blinked it out of her eyes. Her eyelids seemed became heavy. She collapsed onto the ground.
Marshall stood over her. He was grinning maliciously. "They will be so proud of me. I have captured a Wanted at last."
He said more, but Alexis had gone unconscious.
She dreamt of horrible things. Wolves chased her. People died. Some were things she wished she could forget, but she couldn't. People were lost, rejected, and harassed. They were chased by unworldly beasts, and they were tortured.
Her eyes opened slowly. Everything was blurry, and she felt like she had a wet sandbag on her shoulders. Her wrists were bound to a tall wooden post. "Marshall?!" She called. She called out his name again and again. Hoping he would hear. Hoping he would care. She let her tears fall. "So this is what betrayal is," she whispered to herself.
She needed a hero. But who? Who could save her now? It dawned on her. She needed to be her own hero
"Paige?" Paige looked up from her desk. Her classroom was empty except for her teacher. "Paige, your detention is over. Is your paper done?" Paige nodded, stood up, left her story on her desk, and left quietly.
Sorry it's so long!
Monday, May 9, 2016
BIBPC, last challenge
OK, sooo, I'm officially the worst blogger ever. This is the first picture I'm posting for BIBPC, and I'm doing it for the last challenge! Oh well. I am awful at remembering certain things, soooo, yeah. The category is Photo Edits. Here is the original.
I'm pretty sure this is the unedited one. Here is the edited one.
Isn't beautiful? Megan must be so proud! I hope you enjoyed! I'll probably have my next CWWC story by tonight. Bye y'all!
Friday, May 6, 2016
CWWC challenge #2
Yay! Next story! Sooooo, this one is a bit confusing, but I tried to edit it to make it a little less confusing. It's probably not my best work. Here it is! I used all three prompts.
I have a hard life. My dad was killed in a car wreck, I was practically failing middle school, and my mom hates me.
Ding ding dong!!!! "I'll get it!" I yelled. I stomped down the stairs to our front hall and opened the door. No one. I steeped out of the house and looked around outside for a sign of laughing and running kids. Nothing. I trudged back to the door grumpily. People were constantly ding dong ditching us, and it was starting to get annoying. Apparently it was the thing. I didn't even know why I kept answering the door now days!
When I got to the door frame I tripped over something that was definitely not there 5 minutes ago. After I scrambled to my feet I looked at the foreign object that just so happened to be there. It was a box. Big surprise! I studied it closer. In dry eraser marker it said BAD MEMORIES! DO NOT OPEN!
"Whatever," I muttered, "This is probably another one of their pranks." But my curiosity got the best of me. I lugged the surprisingly heavy box to my bedroom. I started to pull at the tape with my fingernails, but whoever packaged the box put way to many layers of tape.
I sauntered back down to the kitchen and got a very sharp knife from a drawer. "Knife time," I murmured. I walked back up the stairs.
When I got back to my room, I started to have second doubts. "Stop being silly!" I scowled at myself. "It's just a prank."
I stabbed right in the center of the tape and sliced off all the layers. A sharp wind made me fly back against the wall. I groaned as I sat up. "What in the wor-" I started to say, but something made me stop.
From the now open box came a rush of stars and little planets. They circled around me, making feel like I was in my own little universe. "Woah," I whispered.
But then the planets and stars began to change. They formed little pictures and words. The biggest sentence among them was SHE NEEDED A HERO, SO SHE BECAME HER OWN. The words swirled around me, and everything went dark.
I dreamt of a girl sitting in a classroom. It was filled with kids, but she looked like the oldest. Suddenly they all turned to mist and were rushed away. Then the girl stood up so abruptly it startled me. Don't run! She said, but the words sounded like was trying to speak underwater. Don't run! She repeated, Fight.
What?! I asked. The image faded, and I appeared on a tall rocky cliff. I stood on the very edge and nearly lost my balance and fell, but before I could, a strong arm pulled me up. It was the girl. Our eyes met. Her eyes were like none others. They were like all the constellations combined. Miniature moons shone, and the background was the darkest shade of blue you could ever imagine.
I needed a hero, but I couldn't find one. So I became my own. I saved myself. Everything around me melted into oblivion and my eyes shot open. The box was still there, and the stars remained. I then realized the purpose of everything. I had to become my own hero. And so I did.
This is a bit shorter than the last one. I hope you enjoyed!
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
CWWC challenge #1
Yup! That's right! It's CWWC time! I didn't have a blog last time I did CWWC, so, here is your amazing chance to read my awesome stories! GO TEAM HALF-BLOOD! I used all three prompts.
I looked at the clock. Ten more seconds. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Riiiiiiiiiiiing! I leaped out of my chair and stuffed everything in my backpack as fast as I could. I ran the entire way home, flung my backpack in a chair, ran up the stairs, and slammed my bedroom door shut behind me. I steadied my breathing from my run and turned on my fan to keep me cool. Then I slowly walked to my mirror.
"Mirror, mirror, on the wall, show me the land behind it all," I muttered. I brushed my hand across the glass, but instead of a smooth glassy surface, the mirror rippled like water. My reflection blurred and fogged, and the mirror no longer showed me my appearance.
In front of me I saw a captivating world. There were rushing water falls and beautiful trees that you could never imagine. Mist rose up from the ground and in the middle of it all was a bridge. On the bridge sat a girl reading a book. And beside her sat a beautiful dragon. It had luminescent silver scales. Whenever it moved it shimmered to a aesthetic blue-green color. It had long swirly spikes coming of of it. And it's eyes. It's eyes were the most beautiful thing in the world. You couldn't tell their color. They seemed to change every time you looked away, but it had such sweet softness in them.
I wanted ever so much to just reach my hand and touch this creature. I wanted to feel it's icy smooth scales again. Why had they made me leave that wonderful world filled with magic and dreams? I would never be able to go back. No! I will go back! I thought, I will see my dragon again.
I made up my mind. I slowly and carefully reached my hand out. I touched the rippling glass and the tips of my fingers seemed to melt against the surface. I continued to reach further in. The cool liquid in the mirror surrounded my arm, making me shiver. The liquid reached my shoulder, and I stepped into the abyss.
I was immersed in ice, frozen in time. I couldn't breathe or feel anything. The sensation passed, and I collapsed on to the ground. At first I had no feeling, but soon I regained my consciousness. I lifted my head wearily and gazed intently at the slowly melting ice surrounding me.
I sat up and propped myself up against a tree. I was here. I was home, but something was missing. I stood up abruptly. The Ferrymen. They would feel my presence soon. I would have to leave. But first, I was going to see my dragon. I didn't care that I had been banished. I had to see my dragon. I ran.
I had no ida how long I had been running, but finally I reached a familiar clearing. In front of me was that bridge. The bridge I had sat on with my dragon every day. The bridge I had read to her on. When I had been banished I had thought I had heard her whisper, "I will wait Natasha. I will wait faithfully waiting for your return. I will stay on our bridge, forever waiting."
I looked at the withering bridge covered in vines and roses. It's decaying wood was just as gray and withered as it had been. but something was missing. My dragon wasn't there. I fell to my knees, and blinked back my icy tears. My dragon was gone. They had taken her. And I would never see her again. Ever.
I hope you enjoyed!
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Oops, and randomness
Allright, y'all! I am absolutely the worst blogger in the world. When did I last post? Maybe, I don't know, Three weeks ago? Ug. I am the worst.
Sooo, here is me just standing at the beach. Why am I not wearing a swimsuit? The water was as cold as the arctic. It was, like, 60 degrees.
This is a cartoon character I made up. He's a dog bone. I haven't named him yet. Put in the comments on what I should name him!
Guys, this is a squid made of gingerbread. Isn't it amazing? I literally freaked out when I saw it. And I didn't make it, mind you.
Preeeetty. This picture was taken in 2012. I was, I think, 7 or 8. Peacocks aren't as awesome as owls#annabethchase#athena#heroesofolympus#percyjacksonandtheolympians.
Here is some music I think y'all should totally look up.
1. Mascara-Megan Nicole
2. Drag Me Down-Cover, Kurt Hugo Schnieder
3. Take Flight- Lindsey Stirling
4. Safe With Me-Megan Nicole
5. Maps-Maroon Five
6. Escape-Megan Nicole
7. Stand by You-Rachel Platten
Enjoy this awesome music!
I hope y'all enjoyed this little post. I promise I'll post more often. I have to go clean my room and get ready for gymnastics. Danielle in and out.
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