Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Writer's Ink Challenge

Hullo there! (I really am running out of greetings for y'all.) Today I shall do The Writer's Ink Challenge! Thank you to the fabulous Mirra for nominating me for this challenge! Now onto the rules and questions.

Les Rules:

1. Thank your nominators (been there, done that)
2. Answer at least 8 questions about writing (coming to theaters soon)
3. Nominate at least five people

Les Questions:

1. When did you first start writing?

When I was a wee lass. No, just kidding! I honestly don't think there's a point in anyone's life that we start doing something. I think the question should be *when did you first get interested in writing*. That I can answer. There had always been little points in my life where I wanted to write a book. I tried several times, too. But I didn't know how, so I always scrapped my "novels". When I really started to write well, it was when I decided to enter Loren's CWWC. I just wanted to see if I could. Now I have, like, five novels planned and a berjillion stories spread out over iPad's and homework.

2. Have you always been interested in writing?

I guess the answer is no. I really didn't know what real writing was until I started reading blogs. The only writing I new of was the essays for history and science, and I never had to write stories for Language Arts until the past two grades.

3. Why do you like writing?

Writers always ask, "Why shouldn't people like writing?" I think that writing is a very delicate art that only certain people have the talent to meddle with. Sure, anyone can write, but only a few people can do it well. I love the way you can tap into magical worlds and different people that you created. You can't do that in real life. I found this quote on Pinterest. "The only weapon against reality is imagination." Writing is my shrine, my little world, my Hogwarts, my Camp Half-Blood, and my Havenfield.

4. What genre do you write?

I can write any genre, really. Any writer could, but we all have our special little comfort zone in a specific genre. I write fantasy best. But I like to write futuristic too. One of my novels is very futuristic.

5. Wha motivates you to write?

Music, Pinterest, and my story. The story excites me, pushing me forward. Writing is like running a marathon (not that I've ever run one). We need something to push us forward, inspire us, and make us proud. My best motivator is anger, though. Especially if I'm writing a tense scene. Don't worry, it's not like I go and pick fights with my siblings just to motivate me!

6. How do you write stories? (first person, second person, third person)

All of them, but I favor first person most.

7. How do you see yourself writing-wise in one month? One year? Ten years?

The problem with me is that my best friend is procrastination. I tend to write in short bursts from inspiration. It takes effort for me to write for long periods of time. Anyways, in one month (if I stretch it) I'll have at least four chapters. I a year, maybe half the novel I'm working on? Ten years, at least two novels, and hopefully three.

And I don't think there was an eighth question.

And because I'm not sure who to nominate, I nominate anyone who has eaten a donut in the past two weeks

I hope y'all enjoyed this post! It took, like, a half an hour to write.


The Sky- A Poem by Danielle

Aloha, there! Today I have a poem for you. This is not the weird post I promised, but that post isn't finished, and I really need to post. So, here I have the poem I entered into Mirra's poetry contest. You can enter the contest here. So here's my poem!

The Sky, by Danielle
The sky is up above us all.
It is much farther than a wall.
It changes every minute, day,
For it is never the same way.
Sometimes it is a bright, bright blue,
With puffy clouds that like to move.
It then grows darker than darkest black.
Stars shoot by as on a racetrack.
Constellations swirl together.
Clouds that are as light as feathers
Will block their bright silvery white shine,
And Moon will lie inside his shrine.
Some other times the sky grows dark,
But this time for lightning to spark.
Thunder booms like pounding footsteps
It’s a giant to his doorstep.
Clouds will turn a deep, deep purple,
They’ll swirl together in turmoil.
And then big, fat drops of water fall.
Don’t worry some are very small.
Then gray clouds will clear up,
And Sun will tip like a teacup,
To pour his golden light upon us
To light the world like he must.
Soon Sun begins to shrink below.
The clouds line up in a neat row.
The edge turns red, yellow, pink, orange,
And Sun and Moon start to exchange.
I hope y'all liked it! Have a fabulous day!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

An Apology for Hiatus

Hey y'all! Sorry I haven't posted for a few weeks. I've been pretty busy (well actually, I was only busy on the weekends, but on the weekdays I was just too lazy for the posts I have planned.). I feel guilty, but at the same time I probably still won't post for about another three days though :[] . Hehe. My next post is kinda weird, but it is related to one of my obsessions, so you'll just have to bear it. MWAHAHA!!! Just kidding. It's still weird, though. I hope y'all have had a fantabulous week so far!
Aur Revoir my fellow Hoodians!