Thank you Gracie for nominating me for this Tag!
The Rules:
- Mention creator of tag
- Use the image in the article
- Mention blogger who has chosen you
- Answer the questions
- Tag 9 other bloggers to do the post
Let's get started!
The Questions:
1: Describe your 2016 in 3 words.
Amazing, Inviting, Freshening. I dunno. I would have to write one sentence about it.
2: Write the names of two people who characterized you 2016.
My friend, Jordan, and my sister,
3: Write the most beautiful place you visited in 2016 and why you liked it so much:
The Orlando Temple. It helped me feel so pure and happy! And it is so gorgeous.
4: Write the most delicious food you tasted in 2016.
Man, that's a whole lot of food. I ate so much that year, but I'm a growing gal. Anyways, probably the MShack fries. They're officially the best fries I've ever had. (MShack is a restaurant, but their only store is where I live.)
5: Write the event which has marked you more of this in 2016?
Ummm, there are some fairly big ones, but those are kinda private. Probably reading Percy Jackson and Keeper of the Lost Cities have really improved my life😉.
6: Write the finest purchase you’ve made in 2016.
I really don't buy a whole lot. Probably getting Lodestar and Neverseen from Amazon. Oh, wait. My older brother bought those for me for a birthday present. Ummm, lemme think for moment. *clock ticks slowly* My pink bag (which is the best bag EVER! It's my Library bag, my gym bag, and so much more), though I might have bought that in 2015. OH! I bought Everblaze in the spring!There we go. That's really the biggest thing I got last year.
7: Write three good intentions for 2017.
Finishing my novel (It's currently called The Forgotten, if you're wondering.) finish at least a third of Personal Progress (a program my church has for girls 12 and older), and get 50 followers on this blog! That last one my be a bit hard because I have no control over it.
8: Write 1 place you want to visit in 2017.
The Redwoods in California, or Europe. Both are highly improbable. My family's not big on traveling, but we might go to Utah this year!
9: Write one food you want to eat in 2017.
Gelato. Not just ice cream here. True Italian gelato. Preferably cantaloupe gelato. My dad lived in Italy for two years, and he said gelato is amazing. I've always wanted to go to Italy.
I nominate:
and I can't think of anyone else, sorry!
I hope y'all enjoyed!