Saturday, December 30, 2017

An Announcement

Hello, fellow Hoodians! Today I have a bittersweet announcement. No, I'm not quitting my blogs. Instead, I think, I'm expanding them slightly. I will be leaving this blog and moving to another wordpress site. I didn't really enjoy blogging on this site, and I was really liking how the worpdress platform worked for me on my other blog. So, I present...

Donuts and Daydreams

I hope you're just as excited as I am! You can visit my new site here.
I'm super glad to have started my blogging journey on this site. I've been writing posts here for two years. It was amazing, and I hope to keep growing on my new blog.


Monday, December 25, 2017

What I Got For Christmas

Hello fellow Hoodians! Merry Christmas! I hope your day has been wonderful! Mine definitely has. My family woke up at 7:30 to open gifts, and then we had an amazing breakfast that my dad cooked.  I personally love reading what people get for birthdays or Christmas, so I thought I might show you what I got! :)

 *Please keep in mind that I'm not trying to show off

Starting with my stocking, my mom got my siblings all a pack of wafers, three packs of gum, and four Ferrero Rocheres. I really love wafers and gum, so this was great for me. Though all of my gum will probably be gone in a week because I chew it A LOT. XD

Behold, even more gum! My little brother bought me three packs of gum, so this is seriously the best thing he's ever gotten me. I am thriving off a gum. XD

Apologies for the horrible editing. My lighting was being mean, as well as the computer. -_- Anyways, my amazing grandma got me a load of candy as well as a gift card (though I'm not really certain how much is on the gift card). I'm super thankful for that. :)

Now, onto the things that aren't edible. XD I got Zig Millennium pens. These pens have a super fine tip which is great for my artwork, so I'm super exited to put these to use. :D

Next,  I got a new journal! I'm really happy about this because I've almost filled up my current journal. Plus, it's super aesthetic with the pretty tree and ajhsafl. When I started unwrapping it, it said "Flammable. To keep from catching fire, see guide." I was so confused at what it was at what it was by that point. XD OH OH OH, I forgot about this, but when I run out of paper, I can remove the cover and slip in a new notebook. How awesome is that?

IT'S SO PRETTY AND I CAN'T EVEN. ahem. In case you aren't sure, this is a stylus that I can use to draw digital art with. I'm super excited, because my older brother has a different model of the same pen, and I used to borrow his all the time. But now I have my own! I'm so excited to create new drawings with it! :D

Finally, I got a super fuzzy and silky and soft blanket with POM POMS ON THE ENDS!!! Like, how much more amazing could this blanket be (?).

My grandma also gave my family a chair hammock thingie for Christmas, which is super awesome, because we don't have anything really comfortable to sit on in our porch at the moment. The sad thing is that my dad won't be able to put it up for a while. :/

I'm really thankful for everything I got this year, and I'm super happy to be able to experience the joy of Christmas.

I hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas day! I would love to hear about what you got.


P.S. I have a HUGE surprise coming up at the end of the month, so keep your eyes peeled. ;)

Saturday, October 21, 2017

A Bit of Randomness

Hello, there! I haven't posted for a while, but that's because I've because I've been having an imagination drought. Because of that, I will just post a few random things today. Enjoy!


Here are some songs I've been listening to a lot lately:

Shots (Broiler Remix)-Imagine Dragons
Runner Runner-The Merrell Twins
First Light-Lindsey Stirling
Drama-Jasmine Thompson 
EVOlution (album)-Sabrina Carpenter 
Inside a Dream (EP)-Echosmith
Sky Full of Stars-Coldplay
Adventure of a Lifetime-Coldplay


NaNoWriMo is approaching, and I am just panicking a little bit. You know, the kind of panicking that includes screaming internally and hyperventilating.

I started reading 'The Maze Runner' last night, and I am at that point where a new fandom is blooming. XD It's super good!

Halloween is getting closer! I am super excited because I'm being Thing 1, my friend is being Thing 2, and my sister is being the Cat in the Hat! Also, I am going to use all my candy as rewards during NaNo. XD

Blog Stuff:

Nicole's new blog, Wild Pennings, launched! You have to go check it out. I watched her spend hours making the header from scratch. 

I also might be moving blogs in November, but we'll see. ;)

I hope y'all enjoyed this little post! Goodbye for now, fellow Hoodians!


Thursday, October 5, 2017

A Fall-ish Rant

Bonjour, my dear Hoodians! As you can see, I have returned from a bit of a hiatus, and now I am back. Yay! Anyways, I am back with as short post on my favorite things about fall and a few ranty things. Onward!

I LOVE SWEATERS!!! I wear them all year long, even if it's, like, 100 degrees outside. Honestly though, they're so cozy and cute. I only have one that I wear a LOT, but if I had money, I would spend it all on fluffy sweaters. XD

Leaves are so pretty! Especially in autumn. I don't like jumping in leaf piles because that's like cannon-balling onto the floor XD . The only awful thing is where I live there are no trees that shed pretty leaves, so I am left to look at the evergreen in our front yard. *glares at oak tree* XD

I'm super excited for this year because my sister is going to be the Cat in the Hat, I'm going to be Thing 1, and my friend is going to be Thing 2. We're going to find crazy blue wigs! XD

I don't get to drink this often, but when I do, I enjoy it thoroughly. I usually get it at my grandma's, which is awesome because it's usually super cold outside.

Let us all admit, Autumn has the loveliest combinations of colors. It has the perfect combination of warm toned colors that are just so pleasing to the eyes.

That wraps that little post up! Sorry I haven't been posting very much lately. i've been working on a secret project. ;)

Have a wonderful day!


(I don't have a sign off right now. I'll make one soon, though! :D)

Sunday, September 24, 2017

'My Life In Words' Blog Tour!

(Image was also used on my other blog and that's why it has my other blog's credit)
Hello there, fellow Hoodians!  I am participating in Anya's blog tour, so here I am with my part of the tour! So...

Introducing Anya's NEW BLOG...

'My Life In Words'!

Three awesome things about Anya and her new blog:
1. Anya is SO sweet and sincere!
2. Her header is uber cute and pretty
3. Her title is so creative! (Tell me your secrets, Anya)
So go check out her new blog here!
Follow the Tour:
{23rd September}

Mirra @ AYoungWritersDream
Mukta @ BornFree
Angela @ AWritingRose
Maryam @InfinitelyDaydreamer
Saanvi @ A Notebook, One Pen, & Me 
Emmie @ AmericanGirlWorld
Hannah @ CraftsofallSeasons
{24th September}
Zielle @ MyHomeschoolNotebook
Arunima @ Dreamer'sDreams
Hazel @ ZellaBooks&Blog

Saanika @ SaanisDiy
Eliza @ WritingWonderland
Danielle @ AutumnSongs and NearbutFar
Tanisha @ BothSidesoftheEquation
 {25th September}
Starling @ Starling7
Enni @ HoovesandPens
Neria @ Writing4Fun
Rachel @ NancyDrew and MessyBun
Yashvi @ BornFree


Monday, August 28, 2017

BIBPC (entry three)

Hey guys! I'm back with another BIBPC photo. Don't worry, other posts are coming, but for now there is only photography. :)

Here's my next entry:

I didn't edit it except for cropping :D . I feel so proud of it XD
There is little story but here ya go ;D :

Le Story:

I found a picture on Pinterest, and I copied it a little bit for this (credit to photographer who's photo inspired me). Anyways, I cut out some butterflies from paper and placed them like so. Then, I propped my book up, stood on a stool, and shot a few pics. Thus, I give you this aesthetically pleasing photo. ;)
I hope you like it, Megan! :D

Monday, August 21, 2017

BIBPC (entry two)

Heewo friends!!! Ima back with the mood of *drumroll* pink! Jk, but I'm feeling pretty cheerful right now ;D . Anyways, here's my next entry!

Le Story:

I had this awesome idea to put a slinky on the camera and place the end of the slinky on a drawing or something, and since the moon and the sun are circles (and the eclipse is happening almost RIGHT NOW), I though, "Ay. Draw the two combined. Why not?" So, I give you this somewhat strange picture. The slinky didn't have the effect I was quite hoping for, but I still LOVE the results, so oh well.

I hope y'all liked my picture! Adios, mi amigas!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

BIBPC (entry one)

HEEEWOOO!!! It es moi, le queen de procrastination, and I am here with le first entry for BIBPC the Fifth! Yay! I actually took this picture several days a go, but I'm just now getting around to posting it. ;)

Le photo:

I did edit the exposure, and I cropped it a bit. This category is fruit, and as I'm on Team Watermelon, so it seemed fitting to take a photo of watermelon.
There is almost no story behind this, but I did drop my original perfect piece of watermelon. I set a new piece on a piece of paper and voila!
So yeah.
Hope y'all fellow Hoodians have had a wonderful week (I did, even though it's my first week of school)! Toodles!

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Travels-Road trip:Days One-Five

Hello everyone! I am here (finally) with the first part of our trip! Onward (because I don't know what to say now)!

So, for the first day, we drove five hours up to where we used to live and visited some friends, and then we picked up my friend Grace, dropped off my two older siblings (who were going to take the youth conference buses), and drove three and half more hours to my grandparents'. We spent the night at my grandparents'(not the youth conference kids. they drove through the night), and then we left early in the morning. We drove all day.

I have never seen more corn in my entire life.

Buuuut, I did see the St. Louis Arch! We didn't drive straight past it, but we saw it fairly closely. Here is an incredibly crappy photo I took on my iPad mini. ;D

It was pretty cool! :D

So, after long hours of killing our behinds in the car, we finally reached Nauvoo, Illinois!
It took us a while to find our cabin, but we did, and then we  cooked dinner (which was chicken, mashed potatoes, and broccoli. Yes, I remember exactly. Oh yeah! There was also cantaloupe, I think :D )
For those who don't know why Nauvoo was an important stop, I shall explain. Some of you may know I'm LDS, more commonly known as Mormon (ring a bell, eh?). Anyways, a lot of LDS church history was placed in Nauvoo, as well as other surrounding areas.
After dinner, we went to one of the Nauvoo pageants! It was explaining Nauvoo's history, and the actors were really good! I loved it.

After the pageant we went to see the Nauvoo Temple! I took a really bad picture on my iPad, but the temple's beauty makes up for it. ;D

Isn't it gorgeous? It was so cool to actually touch it in person.

After we saw the temple, we went back to our cabin and called it a night ;) .
(btw, the Youth Conference kids had a completely different schedule and stayed in different cabins)
The next day we had breakfast (cereal and cinnamon rolls), went to church, and began to tour Nauvoo. Because I think y'all would find it very boring for me to explain every place needed, I will just put a bunch of photos of the houses and stores we went to and caption occasionally.

(the photos aren't the greatest quality because they were all taken on my mom's phone)


I don't think the barrels are actually from the 18 hundreds, but the tin objects are.

Most of the furniture above is actually from the 18 hundreds, so that's why it's roped off.

(actual printing press)

(actual time period shoes)

So after we went touring, we went and just walked on the main road and glimpsed at the stores (like actual running stores that people can buy stuff from). Then my parents dropped my little brother, Grace and me at the cabin, and they went to a riverside walk thing. We didn't want to go. Instead we showered and played a card game (because the wifi sucked). Then we went to bed. :D

The next morning, we ate breakfast (cereal again) and headed out for the town of Carthage. It was only a thirty minute drive, and we went to see Carthage Jail. Carthage Jail is where our first prophet, Joseph Smith, was murdered.

(the room Joseph Smith and his brother, Hyrum Smith were killed. They shared it with two other friends)

(actual bullet hole of the bullet that killed Hyrum Smith)

After Carthage Jail, we went back to Nauvoo to finish touring the time period houses and shops.

At the brick yard, each family was given a small brick that the missionaries made. :D

After a few more houses, we went on a buggy ride through the country of Nauvoo. This is one of the horses. :D

After the buggy ride, we saw more houses, and then we went back to our cabin to eat dinner. Sometime during the day, we saw a play the younger missionaries put on called, "The Promise." It was pretty good! But a lot of the girls in the crowd gained crushes on this guy in the play afterwards. XD


After dinner and a rest, we went and saw a dress rehearsal for the British Pageant. It was really good too! It was about British members of our church in the eighteen hundreds.

(you can see the temple in the background of this one!)

Then, we grabbed my two older siblings from the Youth Conference and went back to our cabin.

The next morning we woke up around 7:00 or 8:00, took pictures at the temple, and hit the road. We drove for a couple of hours to Far West, Missouri (another church historic site). Far West is where they laid down cornerstones for a temple, but they never built it.
Then we went to see Liberty Jail (another jail Joseph Smith was put in.) That was pretty cool because they had built a replica of the jail, but it was on the exact place the jail had been. The replica was also inside of a building.

(they put mannequins inside it)

After Liberty Jail, we drove to Independence, Missouri. There, we just saw the visitors center, but we learned a lot of church history.

After Independence, we drove to Selena, Kansas, where we spent the night in a hotel.

And that was the first five of our trip! Sorry it took so long to get this up. Also, sorry if I bored you. In my next  post, you will learn of our Death Hike (unoficial name, but it suits it). Dun dun dun!

Toodles, Hoodians!