Saturday, January 30, 2016

BIBPC category #4

          Here is my next photo! I included another photo of that dog in my first BIBPC entry at the bottom. Enjoy!

Tell me in the comments if you like this puppy photo more than the first one in BIBPC category #.


Friday, January 29, 2016

Another Random Post [] () {} _____

Hullo there guys! Today I have another row of random pics I've taken. Enjoy! :)


This is another picture I drew, except I drew it on the iPad.

Cute, huh?

The silhouettes are cool ;).

That's all for today!

Smiles! :D

Thursday, January 28, 2016

BIBPC photo: category 3

                            Here is my next photo! I hope y'all like it. :D

Here it is! Continue reading to see more pics.

Tell me in the comments which photo you like best.


Monday, January 25, 2016

Ice Skates: a short story.

   This is just a little story I wrote. I hope you like it!

   I stared at a tiny little jewelry box. I was enchanted by it. It had little porceline ice skates on top. On the sides there were little paintings of children skating on a frozen pond.
   I was at a Hallmark store. The shelves were covered with many wonderful things, but I loved this jewelry box most. 
   My mom saw the longing in my eyes. She reached out her hand and grabbed it. "I'll get this for you as long as you clean your room." She said.
   I looked at her unbelievably. She never got me anything except for needed clothes. "I will! I promise!" I exclaimed joyfully.
   She smiled.

   When we returned home, I ran to my room and grabbed my old jewelry box. I rummaged through it grabbing every winter earring and necklace I could find. I dropped them in the new jewelry box from least favorite to most favorite. I looked at the jewelry box for a really long time. I smiled from ear to ear.


I hope you liked it!


BIBPC photo: challenge two

Here is my second photo for Boring Into Beautiful Photo Contest (aka BIBPC). The catagory was food.

Sorry it's pixelized. If you're wondering what this is, it's half a pancake. I know, right? Wรฎerd.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

BIBPC photo.

I joined the photo contest on A Barefoot Gal. Here is my Photo for the first catagory! 

Isn't he cute? Sadly he isn't our dog. A lady let us pet him at Chewacla State Park in Auburn, AL.


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Liebster Award


Yay! Thank you Nicole from The Secret Life of an Irish Dancer(aka the girl who's bedroom is right beside mine๐Ÿ˜ˆ)! Ok, so here are the questions.

1. If you could bring one character you've written about to life, who would it be?
           From one of the stories I've posted, Prancer. Anyways, who doesn't love
           tiny horses?
2. If you could jump into any book, what would it be?
           This is a hard one, ummmmmmmmmm. Harry Potter. I would love to go 
            to Hogwarts.       
3. Frozen yogurt or ice cream?
           Frozen yogurt. I loooove TCBY!
4. Favorite author?
           I think I'll have to go with Brandon Mull, he writes a lot of good books.
5. Dream pet?
           Obviously a cheetah! They're actaully very sweet after you tame them.
6. What is your favorite blog or website.
           Besides my blog? I'll have to say Blue Eyes Gray Eyes. Her blog is awesome! Website is Youtube. So much entertainment!
7. Why did you start your blog?
          Mainly because my sister did. I was also really bored๐Ÿ˜œ.

Alrighty! That is all once again, thank you Nicole, or, as she is called this by me sometimes, the annoying, bossy sister! Jk!๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

Sunday, January 17, 2016

My Blog Button

I know I promised to post this yesterday, but I was really busy. Here it is!

I actaully didn't make it, my sister did. I hope you like it!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Slimy Carrots (part two)

The next day my brother asked for the carrots. I got them from my room. Luckily, the bag was closed. He opened the bag and exclaimed, "Gross! These smell like vinegar!" We went and told my mom. It turns out my mom had either gotten bad carrots, or it was because she got the organic ones. We'll never know. Anyways, we threw the whole bag away.

   This is actually a true story. It happened to me last week.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜› I hope you find it interesting!

P.S. I made my blog button! I'll post tommarow.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Slimy carrots

Today I decided to eat some carrots, so I got the bag and started eating them. They felt slimy, but I figured it was because this was a new bag and they were just really moist. It was dark so I couldn't see them very well. When I turned on the light And realized that some of the carrots were kinda mushy. I decided to let them dry out. I left them in my sisters room. Later when I was face timing a friend, my sister came in and dropped the bag on the floor. A bunch of carrots poured out. I made my sister clean them up. She couldn't stand there slimyness. ♠️ This is a tue story.๐Ÿ˜œ

Friday, January 8, 2016

Story time! Post one.

"No!" Daphne cried. She couldn't do this. She just couldn't. Just because she was the princess didn't mean she could rule. Though her world was very small and wonderful, she couldn't rule it.
"Why ever not Daphne?" Her mother said.
" I . . . I . . . I don't know!" Daphne cried.
"Daphne, listen here, girl! You're our only hope. If you don't rule, our kingdom will fall!"
  Tears fell down Daphne's cheeks.
"Keep your head up princess, if you don't, your crown will fall," her mother whispered. She turned and left the room, leaving Daphne to think about her decision.
The kingdom of the teacup was very small, very small indeed. On the east side it had a forest. On the west the castle and the only village. The south had the Great Lake. And the north, well, nobody ever went there. It was the Everlasting Shadow, full of darkness, doom, and death. Anyone who went--or was even brave enough--never came back.
Daphne ran faster than she had ever run before. Tears were streaming down her face. She soon got to the border of the forest. Her stream of tears slowed. Wiping her face with the back of her hand she started through the forest. 
"Prancer," she called, "Prancer! There you are!" she exclaimed. She ran over to the merry go round horse. It appeared whenever she called. "Sweet, O, sweet!" she sang. The horse suddenly came to life. Its pole disappeared, its saddle became leather, and its eyes became full of sparkle and life.
"Oh, my sweet little Prancer!" Daphne suddenly began to cry again and buried her face in the horse's mane. It neighed sweetly and nudged her arm. Between sobs she smiled and kissed the affectionate horse. 
"What would I do without you, Prancer?" The horse did nothing. 
  Daphne rested her head on the horses neck. It felt warm and comforting. The horse suddenly stood up. "Prancer! Where are you going?" Daphne called. It turned around and looked at her. "Do you want me to follow you?" She asked. The horse made a motion like a nod. "Okay," Daphne replied unsurely. 
"Where could she be?" said Daphne's mother. "She's been gone for hours!"
"I wouldn't worry about her. She's got nerves of steel!" The King remarked.
"Yes, but she doesn't have a body of steel! What if the wolves killed her, or what if the trolls kidnapped her!" The queen started pacing.
"Emily, my dear, there is no need to worry! Those things don't come out when it's raining."
  "Yes, I know, but what if she gets pneumonia, or she gets struck by lightning?!" The queen started to name another number of tragic things. The king sighed and gazed out the castle window.
  "Prancer! Where are you taking us?" The horse continued walking. It had started pouring on their way to wherever they were going. Suddenly the horse stopped. A drenched Daphne looked up. She gasped. "You don't expect me to go in there, do you?" Daphne asked. She was looking right at the Everlasting Shadow. She could hardly see the dead trees inside of it. The horse nudged her forward. Daphne thought about it. If she went in there she might die. But why did she need to in the first place? 
"Will you come with me, Prancer?" The horse nodded. "Ok." She took a step forward and entered the shadowy darkness. 
She gasped. There were hundreds of dead trees. Crows grew about minding there own business. Mucky ponds and streams ran about, and millions of mosquitoes roamed. 
A loud howl filled the air. More howls followed. They became closer and closer until they seemed to be only a little ways ahead of her.
Prancer started to cower. Daphne turned around to find that she did not remember which direction she came from. She turned back around to see the largest wolves she had ever seen.
This a story I wrote for Loren's writing contest called Creating World's Writing Camp. I added a little bit to it. I hope you liked it!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

At The Park, an AGPS

                                       Ruby found a huge tree and decided to pose for some pics.

                                        Then she decided to start climbing the tree.

                                                                 She made it!

                                                          Isn't this pic adorbs!?

                                  Then she got bored and decided to take a nap in the itchy grass.

                                     After her nap she climbed on my bike and nearly fell off!

                           Then she got bored with that and decided to climb on the monkey bars.

                                                     I hope you enjoyed the pictures!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

An Understanding

You might be questioning my title. You might also be questioning my blog address. Here is the understanding. I had to choose that blog address because there is another blog called autumn songs(which I didn't find out about until I started my blog!). Their address is So that is how my blog address was born! Now do you understand both?

Happy (late) New Year!!!๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽ

So yeah, this is ,like, really late, but I just decided to say Happy New Year!
                                           I forgot where this was from, and I couldn't figure out how to make link,
So please tell me how in the comments! Also it's finally at least chilly here! I thought it would never get cold!